15 - 25cm Syngonium Chiapense Arrowhead Plant 10cm Pot House Plant
Syngonium Chiapense is a unique species of the Syngonium genus, native to Chiapas, Mexico. Its striking foliage features green, arrowhead-shaped leaves with prominent veining that gives it a highly ornamental appeal. Its mature leaves can sometimes display a beautiful lobed...
£39.99 £24.99
15 - 20cm Philodendron Microstictum House Plant in 10cm Pot
Philodendron Microstictum, sometimes known as the "Spotted Philodendron," is a relatively rare species prized by houseplant enthusiasts for its beautiful foliage. This tropical evergreen species originates from Ecuador and Peru, where it grows as an epiphyte in rainforests. Its leaves...
£39.99 £27.99
25 - 55cm Alocasia Macrorrhiza Splash Elephant Ear House Plant 14cm Pot
Alocasia macrorrhizos 'Splash' is a remarkable cultivar of the Alocasia family known for its stunning, large leaves. Alocasia are often called 'Elephant Ears' due to their large leaf size, and 'Splash' is no exception. The 'Splash' variety is named for...
£129.99 £44.99
20 - 30cm Philodendron Campii House Plant in 12cm Pot
Philodendron Campii Lynette is a rare and beautiful plant with elongated leaves that are dark green on top and light green on the bottom. Here are some care tips to help you keep your Philodendron Campii Lynette healthy and thriving:...
£29.99 £24.99
15 - 25cm Alocasia Flying Squid Elephant Ear House Plant 9cm Pot
Alocasia Flying Squid is a tropical houseplant with striking foliage, featuring long, narrow leaves that are green in color and have unique, wavy edges. Here are some care tips for this plant: Light: Alocasia Flying Squid prefers bright, indirect light....
£49.99 £24.99
10 - 15cm Philodendron Florida Bronze in 15cm Pot
Philodendron Florida Bronze is a popular indoor plant with dark green and bronze leaves. Here are some care tips for keeping your Philodendron Bronze healthy and thriving: Light: Philodendron Bronze prefers bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can scorch...
15- 25cm Alocasia Jacklyn Elephant Ear 9cm Pot House Plant
Alocasia Jacklyn is a hybrid variety of Alocasia also known as Alocasia Tandurusa, known for its large, dark green, glossy leaves with white veins. Here are some general care tips for keeping your Alocasia Jacklyn healthy: Light: Alocasia Jacklyn plants...
£29.99 £24.99
10 - 15cm Philodendron Florida Ghost House Plant 9cm Pot
Philodendron Florida Ghost is a rare and unique houseplant with stunning, silvery-green foliage. Here are some care tips to help you keep your Philodendron Florida Ghost healthy and thriving: Light: Philodendron Florida Ghost prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate...
£34.99 £26.99
15 - 30cm Syngonium T1510 9cm Pot
£29.99 £19.99
15 - 30cm Syngonium T1510 9cm Pot
Syngonium is a genus of plants in the Araceae family, which includes many species that are commonly grown as houseplants. They are relatively easy to care for and can add a lot of visual interest to your indoor space. Here...
£29.99 £19.99
25 - 45cm Alocasia Tiny Dancer 9cm Pot
Alocasia Tiny Dancer is a small and compact plant that is a great addition to any indoor space. This plant has unique, wavy, and heart-shaped leaves that come in various shades of green. Alocasia Tiny Dancer is native to Asia...
£39.99 £24.99
15 - 30cm Philodendron Billietiae 12cm Pot
Philodendron billietiae is a fairly easy plant to care for, but it still needs proper care to thrive. Here are some tips on how to care for Philodendron billietiae: Light: Philodendron billietiae prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate low...
£49.99 £29.99
15 - 20cm Highly Variegated Pink Princess House Plant 9cm Pot
Highly Variegated Pink Princess, otherwise known as Marble Pink Princess is a rare and beautiful Philodendron plant with striking pink and white variegation. Here are some care tips to help you keep your Highly Variegated Pink Princess healthy and thriving:...
£59.99 £29.99
15 - 25cm Alocasia Watsonia Elephant Ear 10cm Pot House Plant
Alocasia Watsonia is a tropical houseplant with beautiful foliage, featuring large, arrow-shaped leaves that are green in color with prominent white veins. Here are some care tips for this plant: Light: Alocasia Watsonia prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate...
£69.99 £34.99
20 - 30cm Alocasia Antoro Elephant Ear 10cm Pot House Plant
Alocasia Antoro, also known as the Elephant's Ear, is a tropical houseplant with large, black arrow-shaped leaves that are velvet in texture. Here are some care tips for this plant: Light: Alocasia Antoro prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate...
£69.99 £24.99
30 - 40cm Philodendron Plowmanii 10cm Pot House Plant
Philodendron Plowmanii is a beautiful plant with heart-shaped leaves that have an elongated tip. Here are some care tips to help you keep your Philodendron Plowmanii healthy and thriving: Light: Philodendron Plowmanii prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate low...
£39.99 £29.99
20 - 35cm Philodendron Brandtianum 12cm Pot House Plant
Philodendron Brandtianum, also known as Silver-leaf Philodendron, is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for plant with unique silver-green foliage. Here are some care tips for this plant: Light: Philodendron Brandtianum prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some lower light conditions, but...
£34.99 £19.99
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20 - 30cm Philodendron Marmalade Quad Colour House Plant 10.5cm Pot
Philodendron 'Orange Marmalade (sometimes called "Philodendron quadricolor" or "Philodendron quad colour") is a cultivated variety of Philodendron, known for its striking foliage. The name "Orange Marmalade" aptly describes the blend of yellows, oranges, and greens that appear on its leaves....
£44.99 £39.99
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20 - 30cm (Unknown Type) Monstera Adansonii Monkey Mask 12cm Pot House Plant
This variety produces thinner, trailing stems as opposed to normal Monstera Adansonii and has a more narrow leaf shape. Monstera Adansonii, also referred to as the Swiss Cheese Vine or Five Holes Plant, is a cherished choice among houseplant enthusiasts...
£29.99 £19.99
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20 - 30cm Alocasia Portei House Plant 9cm Pot
Alocasia Portei, a member of the Araceae family, is renowned for its strikingly large, elongated leaves and is native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. This particular species of Alocasia is known for its towering, impressive appearance and is...
£29.99 £19.99
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15 - 25cm Alocasia Sulawesi Sabrina Narrow House Plant 9cm Pot
Alocasia, commonly known as Elephant Ear plants due to their large, impressive leaves, are stunning tropical plants that can make a bold statement in any indoor or outdoor garden. Originating from the tropical regions of Asia and Eastern Australia, these...
£64.99 £44.99
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10 - 15cm Anthurium Magnificum 10.5cm Pot House Plant
Anthurium Magnificum is a stunning tropical plant known for its impressive foliage. Native to the rainforests of Colombia, it’s a part of the Araceae family and is admired for its large, velvety leaves, which are dark green with striking white...
£39.99 £34.99
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15 - 20cm Philodendron Holtonianum House Plant in 10cm Pot
Philodendron Holtonianum is a tropical plant native to Ecuador. It's known for its long, narrow leaves that boast an attractive velvety texture and deep green color, making it an appealing choice for houseplant enthusiasts. Here is a guide to taking...
£49.99 £29.99
15 - 25cm Philodendron Jose Buono House Plant in 10cm Pot
The Philodendron 'Jose Buono' is a tropical plant known for its large, beautifully variegated, lobed leaves. This plant is a fantastic addition to any houseplant collection. Here is how to take care of your Philodendron 'Jose Buono': Light: This plant...
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