80 - 100cm Thai Constellation Variegated Cheese Plant 27cm Pot House Plant

House Plant
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The Monstera 'Thai Constellation' is a highly prized variety of Monstera deliciosa, renowned for its unique variegation that resembles a starry sky. This plant is a favorite among houseplant enthusiasts due to its dramatic foliage and relatively easy care. Here's a detailed guide on its description, care, and maintenance, especially focusing on larger specimens:


  1. Appearance: It features large, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with a distinctive creamy-white variegation pattern that looks like a constellation of stars, hence the name 'Thai Constellation'.
  2. Size: As a large specimen, it can reach over 2 meters in height and width indoors. Its leaves can grow quite large, often exceeding 60 cm in width.
  3. Leaves: The leaves are thick and leathery, with natural holes and splits (fenestrations) that develop as the plant matures.
  4. Growth Habit: This plant is a climber, so providing a support structure like a moss pole can encourage vertical growth and larger leaf development.

Care Guide

  1. Lighting: Prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, while insufficient light may reduce the variegation and leaf size.
  2. Temperature: Ideal temperatures range from 18°C to 30°C. Keep it away from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.
  3. Humidity: Thrives in high humidity environments, ideally around 60% or higher. In drier conditions, consider using a humidifier.
  4. Watering: Water when the top few centimeters of soil have dried out. Ensure good drainage to prevent root rot.
  5. Soil: A well-draining potting mix is essential. A mix containing peat, perlite, and orchid bark is often recommended for aeration and moisture retention.

Maintenance Tips

  1. Pruning: Regular pruning is not necessary, but you can trim away any yellow or damaged leaves to maintain its appearance.
  2. Repotting: Repot every 2-3 years, or when it becomes root-bound. Increase the pot size gradually to avoid stressing the plant.
  3. Fertilizing: Use a balanced, liquid fertilizer every month during the growing season (spring and summer), but reduce feeding in winter.

Special Considerations

  • Variegation: Variegation can vary between plants and even leaves. Ensure sufficient light to maintain the variegation.
  • Support: As it grows, providing support like a moss pole can help maintain its structure and encourage larger leaf growth.
  • Toxicity: It's toxic if ingested, so keep it away from pets and small children.

The Monstera 'Thai Constellation' is a statement plant that brings a tropical and luxurious feel to indoor spaces. Its care requirements are manageable for most indoor gardeners, making it a rewarding addition to a plant collection. Larger specimens, in particular, offer a dramatic and lush aesthetic.

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Our custom made boxes are perfect for transporting your new plants straight from our Yorkshire tropical nursery direct to your door. We use a next day DHL service as standard, allowing plants to be delivered as fast as possible.

Check out our YouTube video to see exactly how we pack for safe delivery.

  • Plants are supplied in plastic nursery pots unless stated in the product title.

  • Plants are not for consumption unless stated as edible.

  • Plant heights can fluctuate +/- 10%.

  • Our plants are kept at our tropical nursery in Yorkshire where we maintain an average temperature of 18c.

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