• Top tips to increasing humidity for houseplants

    Top tips to increasing humidity for houseplants

    Many houseplants, especially tropical species like ferns, thrive in high humidity. If your indoor environment is too dry, there are several methods you can use to increase the humidity for your houseplants: Mist your plants: Use a spray bottle filled with water to mist your plants' leaves regularly, at least once a day. This method provides a temporary increase in humidity and is particularly...
  • Best places in your home for houseplants

    Best places in your home for houseplants

    The right placement of houseplants is crucial for their health and well-being. Each plant has its unique light, humidity, and temperature requirements. Understanding these factors will help you find the best position for your houseplants, ensuring they thrive and enhance the aesthetics of your home. In this guide, we'll explore the ideal locations for various types of houseplants. Bright, indirect light: Many houseplants, such...
  • Easy-Care Houseplants: Bring Nature Indoors

    Easy-Care Houseplants: Bring Nature Indoors

    Houseplants are a great way to add life and color to your living space. They can improve air quality, reduce stress, and boost your mood. However, not everyone has a green thumb or the time to care for demanding plants. Fear not! This blog post will introduce you to a variety of easy-care houseplants that even the busiest or most inexperienced plant owner can...
  • Pet-Friendly Houseplants: Beautifying Your Home Safely

    Pet-Friendly Houseplants: Beautifying Your Home Safely

    As a pet owner and plant enthusiast, it's essential to choose houseplants that won't harm your furry friends. Some popular plants may be toxic to pets if ingested, causing symptoms ranging from mild irritation to severe health issues. This blog post will introduce you to a variety of pet-friendly houseplants, ensuring that you can beautify your home while keeping your pets safe and happy....
  • How to clean your houseplants

    How to clean your houseplants

    Cleaning your houseplants is essential for their overall health and well-being. Dust, dirt, and grime can accumulate on leaves, leading to reduced photosynthesis, pest problems, and diseases. Regular cleaning will help your plants look their best and stay healthy. Here's a detailed guide on how to clean houseplants: Gather necessary supplies: Soft, lint-free cloth or sponge Water Mild dish soap (optional) Spray bottle (optional)...
  • What are the benefits of using a mosspole?

    What are the benefits of using a mosspole?

    Using a moss pole (also known as a moss stick or moss totem) can offer several benefits for certain types of houseplants, particularly those that are climbers or have vining growth habits. A moss pole is a support structure made of a sturdy material, such as PVC pipe or wood, covered in sphagnum moss or another moisture-retentive material. Some benefits of using a moss...
  • Is rainwater good for houseplants?

    Is rainwater good for houseplants?

    Rainwater is generally considered beneficial for houseplants because it is naturally soft, free of added chemicals, and has a more balanced pH level compared to tap water. Using rainwater can provide several advantages for your houseplants: Soft water: Rainwater does not contain the calcium and magnesium found in hard tap water, which can lead to mineral buildup in the soil. This makes it easier...
  • Is tap water bad for houseplants?

    Is tap water bad for houseplants?

    Tap water is not universally bad for houseplants, but its quality and composition can vary depending on your location, and this may have an impact on certain plants. Some factors to consider when using tap water for your houseplants are: Chlorine and chloramine: Many municipal water suppliers add chlorine or chloramine to disinfect the water. While these chemicals are generally present in low concentrations,...
  • Houseplant bugs: Uninvited guests in your oasis

    Houseplant bugs: Uninvited guests in your oasis

    Houseplants are a beautiful addition to any living space, but with their charm comes the possibility of hosting uninvited guests: houseplant bugs. These tiny, often elusive pests can cause significant damage to your precious greenery, leaving you with unhealthy and unsightly plants. In this article, we will discuss the most common types of houseplant bugs, their impact on your plants, and effective methods to...
  • How to choose a house plant compost?

    How to choose a house plant compost?

    Choosing the right compost for your houseplants is essential for their growth and overall health. Here's a detailed guide on how to choose the best house plant compost: Understand the different types of compost - There are various types of compost available in the market, such as peat-free, peat-based, and specialist composts. Peat-based composts are the most common type, but they are not environmentally...
  • How to choose a house plant food

    How to choose a house plant food

    Choosing a houseplant food can be overwhelming, but it's important to consider the specific needs of your plants. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a houseplant food: Type of plant - Different plants have different nutrient requirements, so it's important to choose a fertilizer that is appropriate for your specific plant species. Look for a fertilizer that is designed for the type...
  • Best big house plants

    Best big house plants

    Tall houseplants can add a dramatic and elegant touch to any room. Here are some of the best tall houseplants to consider, along with their appearance, benefits, and care requirements: Fiddle Leaf Fig - Fiddle Leaf Figs are a popular tall houseplant that feature large, glossy leaves that resemble a fiddle. They can grow up to six feet tall and can help to purify...
  • Best hanging house plants

    Best hanging house plants

    Hanging houseplants are a great way to add greenery to your home while also saving space. Here are some of the best hanging houseplants to consider, along with their appearance, benefits, and care requirements: Spider Plant - Spider Plants are one of the most popular hanging houseplants due to their long, thin leaves that cascade down from the pot. They are easy to care...
  • How to remove flies from houseplants

    How to remove flies from houseplants

    Flies are a common problem with houseplants, particularly if the soil is kept too moist or if there is excess organic matter in the pot. Here are some tips for removing flies from houseplants: Check the soil - If flies are present in your houseplants, the first step is to check the soil. Overwatering or excess organic matter in the soil can contribute to...
  • Houseplants that remove condensation in the home

    Houseplants that remove condensation in the home

    Mold and condensation can be a common problem in homes, particularly in areas with high humidity. Certain houseplants can help to remove excess moisture from the air and reduce the growth of mold and mildew. Here are some houseplants that are particularly effective at removing mold and condensation: Boston Fern - Boston Ferns are excellent at removing moisture from the air and can help...
  • Favourite houseplants in the UK

    Favourite houseplants in the UK

    Houseplants have been growing in popularity in the UK over the past few years, as more people look to bring a touch of nature and greenery into their homes. Here are some of the most popular houseplants in the UK: Spider Plant The spider plant is a popular choice in the UK due to its easy care requirements and ability to thrive in a...
  • Houseplant Trends in 2023

    Houseplant Trends in 2023

    Houseplants have been popular for decades, but in recent years their popularity has exploded. With people spending more time at home due to the pandemic, many have turned to indoor gardening as a way to add beauty and life to their living spaces. Here are some of the top houseplant trends to watch for in 2023: Small Space Gardening As urban living continues to...
  • Colocasia vs Alocasia

    Colocasia vs Alocasia

    1 comment
    Due to their similar looks, the Colocasia and Alocasia plants are often confused with each other. The leaves and colouring of these tropical houseplants are so similar to each other that even veteran plant growers can struggle to tell the difference. In this guide we give you all the knowledge you need to tell the difference between Colocasia and Alocasia plants. 
  • Anthurium vs Alocasia

    Anthurium vs Alocasia

    Anthurium and Alocasia plants are closely related tropical plants that share a lot of characteristics such as large leaves with a similar shape, and similar growth habits. It can be difficult for new plant growers to tell the difference between the two, but with the right knowledge, it can be easy. 
  • Rainwater vs tap water

    Rainwater vs tap water

    1 comment
    Whenever we can, we use rainwater to water all of our outdoor and indoor plants. However, as with any nursery, during very dry spells in the summer months, it can be tricky to get hold of enough rainwater so we have to use tap water. 
  • How to keep houseplants alive over winter

    How to keep houseplants alive over winter

    As we move from the warmer months into the winter, how can we help our house plants and give them the best chance of making it through the winter, ready to grow again in the spring? Here’s a guide to help you understand what your plants need during the winter and how you can help them.
  • Top 8 house plants for your Kitchen

    Top 8 house plants for your Kitchen

    Houseplants are a great way to brighten up any room in your home. Adding indoor plants in your home will help you to add a splash of colour and a touch of personality to your home. Many people love to add houseplant to their kitchen but it’s important to make sure you choose the right plants as the kitchen is not the ideal environment for house...
  • How often should you water your houseplants?

    How often should you water your houseplants?

    The majority of houseplants will need watering every one to three weeks so it’s important to keep an eye on them. This way you will learn each plants habits and needs so will understand when they need watering. We have put together a quick guide to help you understand when your house plants might need watering and how much. 
  • Looking after your houseplants

    Looking after your houseplants

    Having house plants in your home might be on-trend at the moment but they have other benefits too. Adding a bit of greenery to your home helps to brighten up your interior design, boost your mood and it’s good for your health too. If you don’t have a big garden or you love gardening outside and want to bring a bit of greenery into...
  • A complete guide to types of tropical houseplant

    A complete guide to types of tropical houseplant

    Tropical house plants can bring colour and exotic flair to your home, even if you live in a colder climate. While some tropical house plants are best known for their eye-popping flowers, others are loved for their large, unusually patterned or variegated leaves.
  • Top 11 houseplant for beginners

    Top 11 houseplant for beginners

    If you’re looking for the perfect plant for your home, take a look at some of our recommendations for the best house plants for beginners, as well as the most popular houseplants at the moment. 
  • Top 10 houseplants for your bathroom

    Top 10 houseplants for your bathroom

    When you’re choosing plants for your bathroom think of their native environment and if it’s a tropical environment, the chances are it will love your bathroom. Choosing the right plant is essential so here’s a list of the top 10 plants for your bathroom.
  • Why do houseplants die? Common causes

    Why do houseplants die? Common causes

    One of the most common complaints we hear from many people is that they struggle to keep their house plants alive. There are a number of reasons why house plants may fail to thrive within your home but most of them are easily fixed by having the right knowledge about the conditions needed to help them stay alive. 
  • The best low maintenance houseplants

    The best low maintenance houseplants

    Houseplants are a great addition to any home but so many people prefer not to have them as they can’t seem to keep them alive. However, keeping houseplants alive all starts with finding the right houseplant for your home and the care you can provide. If you struggle to keep houseplant alive, you might need to choose something that doesn’t mind if you forget...
  • Top 6 benefits of plants for your health and wellbeing

    Top 6 benefits of plants for your health and wellbeing

    We all love houseplants. They add a much needed touch of greenery to our homes and brighten up interior decor. But, did you know they also have a number of health benefits that can provide a much needed boost to your health and wellbeing?
  • 8 Common houseplant problems and how to fix them

    8 Common houseplant problems and how to fix them

    Houseplants are a great way to brighten up your home, purify the air and improve your mood. They have become extremely popular in homes everywhere but, no matter whether you’re a complete plant newbie or you’ve been looking after them for years, you might run into some common problems. 
  • Extrafloral Nectaries in houseplants, should you be concerned?

    Extrafloral Nectaries in houseplants, should you be concerned?

    If you have houseplants from the Philodendron, Alocasia, Colocasia or any plant from the Aracae family, you may notice small, sticky drops developing on the backs of the leaves. These spots are often mistaken for damage or disease on the plant but, in fact, it’s perfectly normal! It doesn’t mean that your plant is dying. It’s called extrafloral nectaries and it’s nothing to worry about. 
  • Pothos Vs Philodendron

    Pothos Vs Philodendron

    The Philodendron and the Pothos are two of the most popular houseplant species in the UK. Both plants are easy to look after and have similar features that mean they are often confused even though they have some differences.
  • Monstera Vs Philodendron

    Monstera Vs Philodendron

    A common misconception amongst even the most avid of houseplant collectors is that Monstera and Philodendron are the same types of plant. The two terms are often used interchangeably with many Monstera Deliciosa being labelled as Split Leaf Philodendron. 
  • Philodendron Vs Alocasia

    Philodendron Vs Alocasia

    Of all the houseplant varieties available in the UK, there are two that are loved by experts and novices alike: the Philodendron and the Alocasia.
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