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Complete guide to houseplants in the home

Top 11 houseplant for beginners

by Plants for all Seasons 10 Jan 2022 0 Comments

House plants are a great addition to any home. An indoor plant can brighten up a room, provide a range of health benefits and are on trend. However, if you’re a first-time plant owner or you’re one of those house plants in your home, you might want to know about the easiest house plants to keep. You may appreciate the benefits of plants and want more greenery in your home but also want something that low maintenance and easy in terms of plant care.

Many house plants can be a little bit temperamental and picky about the conditions they live in. But, there are a number of plants that will tolerate neglect or will be tolerant while you get used to being a plant parent and learn more about how to look after plants. Getting plant care right for each of your house plants will be crucial to your success in keeping them alive.

If you’re looking for the perfect plant for your home, take a look at some of our recommendations for the best house plants for beginners, as well as the most popular houseplants at the moment.

Here are some of the best house plants for beginners, as well as the most popular house plants at the moment:

1. Snake Plants

Snake plants are also known as the mother in law’s tongue is one of the easiest house plants to care for and is a great house plant for beginners. It’s extremely hardy and will tolerate neglect better than most houseplants.

Snake plants like to be exposed to plenty of light but will survive with less if they need too. These plants are not too picky about watering so an erratic watering schedule won’t affect them too much. However, one of the main things they don’t like and which will kill them is overwatering so be careful not to give them too much!

To know when your snake plant needs water, stick your finger a couple of inches into the soil, if there is any moisture, hold off watering for another couple of days and check again before you water. During the winter months, this plant will need even less water so make sure you keep an eye on it to get an idea of when it might need watering and how often.

2. Dracaena Marginata

The Dracaena is available in a number of different varieties and is the perfect choice for beginner plant parents. One of the most popular types is the Dracaena Marginata, also known as a Dragon Tree which has red-edged leaves and looks perfect in any room.

The Dracaena Marginata is ideal for beginners because they’re extremely forgiving plants that thrive at room temperature and they’re drought resistant too so will live on minimal water requirements! However, if you do want to stick to a regular watering schedule, these plants won’t mind living in moist soil, unlike some of the other low maintenance house plants available.

The Dracaena Compacta is also an ideal plant for beginners and it will make a great statement when standing in a corner of your room.

3. Peperomia

The Peperomia (also known as a Chinese Money Plant) houseplant is available in a range of different varieties and is another forgiving plant that can stand a little bit of neglect and will survive on minimal water requirements.

The plant is not too sensitive about light requirements either so you don’t have to worry too much about where you place it in your home as long as it gets a decent amount bright light but not direct sunlight during the day.

Make sure you keep this plant in well draining soil and only water the top of the plant once it’s dried out. One of the key signals that this plant needs water is dropping leaves so it should let you know what it needs.

4. Spider Plants

Spider plants are extremely tough and easy to grow, even with the smallest amount of maintenance. They don’t need bright, direct sunlight and can grow in pretty much any environment where it’s had time to adapt to its surroundings.

All you’ll need for a spider plant is a bright spot in your home and keep the soil damp. However, make sure you don’t overwater it otherwise you’ll find that it starts to wilt and the roots will eventually rot.

Spider plants are perfect for hanging from a shelf or putting in a hanging pot as they will eventually trail down quite a long way. Plus, if you want even more plants in the future, you’ll be able to take a cutting from the baby plants that are grown and plant them in their own container.

5. Tradescantia

The Tradescantia Zebrina, is a houseplant that is considered to be difficult to kill. If you feel like you’re the type of person who kills every plant that enters your home, this could be the plant for you.

The only two things that a Zebra Plant really needs is high humidity and moist soil. You can create humidity around the plant easily by keeping the soil moist, using a humidity tray or grouping your houseplants together. This will help to keep the humidity levels higher and keep the plant happy.

Just like the spider plant, the Tradescantia Zebrina is perfect for hanging on a shelf or putting into a hanging pot because it loves to trail. Its beautiful purple leaves will add a touch of brightness to any room in your home.

6. Cast Iron Plant

Just as the name suggests, the Cast Iron plant is another hard to kill plant that can withstand more neglect than others.

If you’re a complete beginner to houseplants, this is the plant for you. It will survive with low light requirements, low humidity and in fluctuating temperatures so, if you’re new to plant ownership, this plant will give you time to get to know it and how to look after it.

Although it’s easy to please, you’ll have to make sure you don’t overwater it as this is one of the main things that will kill it. You’ll want to keep it in bright indirect light too!

7. Fiddle Leaf Fig

The Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most on-trend houseplants of the moment. You might have seen it in interiors on Instagram or in magazines. They definitely make a great floor plant for any room in your home. Their green leaves are waxy and will spread out to really create a statement in your home.

Fiddle Leaf Figs may be great for beginners but they can be a little pickier than other plants so you might want to provide them with a little extra care. If you’re a complete beginner but have enough time and interest to invest in the plant, it will be a great addition to your home.

This plant loves a warm, wet and humid environment which can be difficult to achieve in the average home. However, if you make sure it has plenty of bright filtered light and plenty of water, it should flourish.

8. ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant is an extremely hardy plant that will tolerant minimal care and won’t notice if you forget about it for a week or two!

This plant will easily sit on your desk in your home office, your bathroom or your bedroom and will thrive in drought conditions and in low light conditions.

Preferably, ZZ plants like to be in bright, indirect sunlight but, if there is less light, it will survive but you may find that it doesn’t grow as quickly as it will when the light conditions are just right.

Make sure you only water this plant when you can feel dry soil in the top could of inches to avoid overwatering it and killing it. This plant is perfect for an irregular watering schedule. It can be tempting to stick to a regular watering schedule so that you remember to do it but this can be detrimental to your plant. Even if you’re overdue with watering your ZZ plant, it won’t mind or show any adverse effects from inadequate watering.

Overall, the ZZ plant is the perfect indoor plant if you want to add a touch of greenery to your home without too much care or attention involved!

9. Devils Ivy

Devils Ivy is part of the Pothos family and, if you’re a complete houseplant beginner, the pothos plant is a great choice because it can thrive in a variety of conditions.

The main factor making a pothos plant easy to care for is its tolerance of a number of different lighting conditions. Although it prefers bright indirect light, it will also put up with low light. Just ensure you avoid placing it in direct light as this will completely dry the plant out, a spot where it can get plenty of indirect sunlight is perfect.

Pothos like a lot of humidity so you can either put the Pothos in the bathroom where it will thrive or use a humidifier in your home to increase the humidity in the room in which you intend to keep the plant.

It will only need watering on an infrequent basis but it will need watering thoroughly when you do water. Make sure it’s in a well draining pot because it doesn’t like to sit in water for too long. The soil should be completely dry before you water it again so make sure you check before you water it.

10. Pilea

Pilea are characterised by its pad-like foliage with green leaves that are striking. This is an extremely low maintenance plant that will thrive in bright light in a sunny spot in your home but make sure you keep it out of direct light as this can burn and damage the leaves.

Before watering this indoor plant, make sure the top couple of inches of soil is dry and water it deeply when you do. Weekly watering is usually perfect for this plant however, the amount of light and the time of year will affect how much watering is required for your individual plant. For example, during the winter months, house plants tend to go dormant and do not need as much water.

This plant will also need to be rotated on a regular basis to make sure the growth is even.

11. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another extremely popular and easy to care for house plant. If you’re a beginner to house plant ownership, the Aloe plant is ideal for you! This is also one of our low maintenance house plants that’s perfect if you need something that doesn’t mind being neglected.

Aloe Vera can be left in direct sunlight for up to 8 hours a day so will thrive on any windowsill in your home without becoming burnt or wilting in the same way as other plant might. For the best results, choose a south or west facing window.

You don’t need to worry about watering Aloe plants too often - just make sure you let the soil dry out in between watering and then water it thoroughly. During the winter months, you’ll be able to water it even less as this is when growth is minimal and water isn’t needed quite as frequently.

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